Permanent Relief from Heartburn, Acid Reflux and Gastritis

Suppressing stomach acid production by proton pump inhibitors (PPI), antacids, or H2 receptor blockers may help suppress acid reflux and heartburn. But, this is only a temporary relief from symptoms; but not a cure.

What Makes Acid Reflux Disease So Hard to Cure

Despite many advanced forms of medications and surgery, a high percentage of chronic acid reflux disease cases cannot be cleared up. With standard medical approaches, acid reflux and heartburn may clear for as long as you continue take your drugs. And, then, after a few weeks, or at most for a few months, it starts to come back. This is not different with homeopathic treatments. 

Patients lose too much time and money. Some of them also lose their hopes. If you are a chronic sufferer, you are all too familiar with this fact. 

This is because these approaches to treat stomach problems are directed at lowering stomach acid level only whereas acid reflux disease, heartburn and gastritis have some hidden, underlying causes, which if not treated, render all treatments and surgery ineffective. 

Acid Reflux is Not Due To High Levels of Stomach Acid

Keeping acid level low in the stomach helps suppress acid reflux and its symptoms which include heartburn. But, this is only symptom relief; not a cure.

It is the main misconception about acid reflux disease to regard it a condition which requires only reducing acid level in the stomach. This misconception leads doctors to the idea that acid reflux disease can be managed with PPIs, H2 receptor blockers, antacids and a few side drugs. We now know that it is certainly not the case; we know that despite many advanced forms of medications and surgery, a high percentage of chronic acid reflux cases cannot be cleared up. 

In fact, stomach acid is a key element of digestion and reducing its levels leads to poor digestion of nutrients.
There also exists another disadvantage of acid supression by prescription drugs: You'll develop both tolerance and dependence on them, so you can't stop taking them without suffering serious consequences. 

Diagnoses, treatments and surgery for treating acid reflux disease make up a billion-dollar business worldwide. Yet, they rarely provide permanent relief. This is because these treatments are directed to relief from symptoms via reducing stomach acid levels while acid reflux disease, heartburn and gastritis have some hidden, underlying causes which -if not treated- render all treatments ineffective.

Hidden Causes of Heartburn, Acid Reflux & Gastritis

The underlying causes of acid reflux disease are a bundle of stomach conditions which include hypochlorhydria (having too low acid levels* in the stomach), deficiency in digestive enzymes, chronix bile reflux, dysbiosis, and food intolerance. These are also the prime reasons of gastritis and some stomach irritations which seem to happen for no obvious reason. Each of these factors can cause indigestion and erosion of stomach lining much more than stress or NSAIDs do. This erosion inhibits healing of inflammations in the stomach, and therefore, paves the way to many many stomach conditions. These hidden conditions need to be treated for a permanent relief from acid reflux and its symptoms like heartburn. 

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